Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feb 18 2011 Spring Interim Meeting

Two members of the Lower North Thompson CWL attended the Diocesan Spring Interim Meeting on February 18.  President, Margaret Houben, and Secretary/Treasurer, Dianne Pecor, car-pooled for the trip to Cache Creek.
It was a very VERY cold and windy day, and although it did snow a little, it was very powdery and blew right off the roads. 
In the morning was the executive meeting, followed by Mass and then a delicious lunch.  The lunch was italian buns with hot dogs, chili, salad and veggie trays, with all sorts of condiments, dips and dressings, fruit and sweets.  The following pictures are of the lunch.

 After lunch I snuck back to the chapel quickly to take a picture of the statue there.  The two pictures are taken with different camera settings.

After lunch the general meeting took place, starting and ending with the bible enthronement.  I like how they do this ceremony at every general meeting.  I think as a council, we should make a bit more ceremony when lighting the candle at our meetings... not just lighting it and starting right into the meeting, but saying a prayer while lighting it... or something of that nature......
Anyways, here are the pictures taken during the general meeting.

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